EDIFY: was founded in January of 2014 and our methodologies can be used to accomplish any goal. From improved health to better performance, Edify is so effective it may feel like magic, but in truth, it’s a simple formula — a formula that works. It is the foundation for everything we do. From forging functional fitness, to preventing and reversing chronic disease. It’s the inputs that give us the outcomes, the results that have revolutionized an entire industry and literally changed millions of lives for the better.


Here at Edify Functional Fitness and Athletics we train in the same manner in which we operate naturally. Common, everyday functional movements executed at a higher intensity, that vary and change with every workout. We don’t have many machines here at Edify. Our bodies are the machines! and we hone and temper them, along with our minds, to produce incredible results.

As I said, at Edify, you are the machine. We are meant to be challenged. Both mentally and physically. Your biggest competition will be yourself. As your capacity and abilities grow, so will your desire to push yourself.

I promise you, within 90 days of your regular attendance (5-6 days a week), and solid effort (no half-assing), your will be enhanced beyond measure. You will be almost unrecognizable.

One cannot walk through fire on a daily basis without receiving refinement. Truly forging oneself.

Our workouts are ever changing, so you don’t get bored, and we focus on making you the best version yourself. We instruct you on proper technique with foundational exercises and movements that help support health, and reduce the risk of injury.

Edify Functional Fitness and Athletics is a learning environment. IT’S IN OUR NAME!

It’s built to help you better understand health, nutrition, and fitness. A way of living, so that you can affectively enjoy a longer, fuller and more productive life.

We focus on providing a great experience, fueled by the friendships and respect of your peers. We're all in this together, which helps us to work harder, and to become the best version of ourself. The family atmosphere, combined with the knowledgeable assistance of our coaches and trainers, helps to make every session your best workout yet!